“To provide health and wellness focused services and facilities, which meet the needs of Colville;
that are holistic, accessible, sustainable and progressive.”
Colville Community Health Trust (CCHT) & Colville Social Service Collective (CSSC) are working together to achieve the best outcomes for the communities in the northern Coromandel Peninsula.
Northern Coromandel communities that have the infrastructure to support the provision of services and opportunities which contribute to their long-term wellbeing & sustainability.
To develop and build community facilities which enable ongoing community access to a wide range of services and accommodation options.
Colville Community Health Trust (CCHT) has been working for over 8 years to build a targeted health facility in Colville Village. After working together informally for many years, in 2016, CCHT formally partnered with Colville Social Service Collective (CSSC) to strengthen the management team and further the project.
Why did we review the scope of the project?
The need for a targeted health facility remains, and has been clearly established and supported by our communities. However, in addition, a thorough analysis of the census data from the last two census periods was conducted. This data was compared between the two periods and with the overall data from the Waikato Region.
This process highlighted key trends and areas of need. Consultation results, and feedback received over the past few years has also been analysed and needs and aspirations were identified from this process too.
Needs the reviewed project scope responds to include:
Remoteness, isolation and lack of access to services
High levels of social deprivation
A substantially aging population
High levels of no or only school-level qualifications
High increases in unemployment
Low levels of existing industry
High number of households within the low-income bracket
High increases in the number of people whose income is derived from a government benefit or pension
Low levels of available rental housing
High increases in private rental rates and little access to social housing
Poor access to telecommunications
The Colville Project is now registered with the Companies Office as a Charitable Trust, and will soon be a charitable organisation registered with The Charities Commission. The Trustees for the new Trust will be
Representing CCHT:
Kate Armstrong & Jo Herbert
Representing CSSC:
Bronwyn Blair & Frederick Church